Sylvia Kelso (Amberlight) asked me if I was doing a reading at WisCon,…I hadn't actually signed up for anything. My first time at the con, and Seaborn's still a little ways out--3 months and closing...awfully fast. I really should have, but I missed the deadline back in January--back when July seemed so far off.
Nothing to prevent me from getting into practice, though. I sat down at the mic and read the first chapter--and I'd like to hear what you think.
I've converted it into a few formats. If you're inclined--say you really want an ogg version--use the 30MB 128kbps MP3. Let me know, and I'll link to it, or you can send it to me: [email protected]
Click on one of the formats below or download it. (The m4a opens in Quicktime on my machine, the wma is Windows Media Audio format). To download in Windows: right-click, select Save Target As... from the popup menu | Mac: Ctrl+click and then "Download File"
SEABORN-Chapter1-48kbps-44.mp3 (MP3)
SeabornChapter1.m4a (MP4)
SEABORN-Chapter1-48kbps-44.wma (WMA)
Larger, better quality version:
SEABORN-Chapter1-256kbps1.mp3 (MP3, 30MB)
I want more. I closed my eyes to listen and I felt like I was there in the rain watching the scene unfold. Kassandra from this chapter alone,sounds like she's a powerful character. I like how the Lt. was dumbfounded by her, he was on his toes right after he came out of his trance.
Hugs, Danette
Posted by: danette | 28 April 2008 at 05:12 PM
Wow! Thanks, Danette. Kassandra has been one of my favorite characters ever, not always sympathetic, always kicking ass. Her story finishes with the next book, Sea Throne, and the backstory for Seaborn--Saltwater Witch--is a YA novel that's with another publisher, hoping to get accepted. I shipped out the Seaborn samplers--finally, a little late, I'm sorry. They're on their way to you. Love to hear what you think after ten chapters--and then in a couple months, after all thirty-eight chapters!
Posted by: Chris Howard | 28 April 2008 at 08:45 PM
Thanks Chris,I'll let you know after I read the sampler :)
I hope you get the YA contract, I have a few YA authors on my auto buys.
Hugs, Danette
Posted by: danette | 28 April 2008 at 11:06 PM