Seaborn came out last July, and by that time I had already completed another book, Sea Throne, with many of the characters from Seaborn--Kassandra, the war-bard and her daughter, evil sea kings, some really nasty stuff from the bottom of the sea--and with more of the story taking place underwater than above. I actually like Sea Throne a lot more than Seaborn.'s not going to happen with Juno Books, now an imprint of Simon & Schuster's Pocket Books division. PB isn't going to pick up any of Juno's backlist, and that means me and several other Juno authors.
Yeah, not so good for Sea Throne, but at the same time I can't be happier over the Juno - S&S deal, and that all the hard work and long hours Paula Guran, editor at Juno Books put into those books over the last few years has paid off.
Paula: Thank you for taking a chance on Seaborn, all the editing, advice, introducing me to a bunch of great writers and editors--with Juno and at the cons, and most of all for getting my story on bookstore shelves. You rock!
So, what am I working on now?
I've spent the last few months concentrating more on short stories, and I have several sub'd right now, both SF and fantasy. I've made my first art sale! I'm halfway through another novel, hoping to finish it up around April. And then there's my Saltwater Witch thing, a weekly web-comic.
Write on!
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