I pulled into work this morning--I park a pretty good distance from the building--and someone over the weekend had tossed out a bunch of ketchup packets from McDonald's. A murder of crows had found the ketchup before I got there. "Murder" is definitely the coolest collective noun for any group of things--way better than herd or flock of crows. (Although a herd of crows sounds like it could be more dangerous to humans, especially if they stampede). The crows were already tearing open the packets to get at the ketchup and I just parked and watched them for a while. They had it down, standing on one of the packet and ripping open the other with their beaks. Amazing. What's funny, is that they didn't move when I drove in. They just watched me--hoping for some fries maybe? They didn't seem too concerned until I rolled down the window and took a few pics of them. Then they each picked up their ketchup packets and walked further down the parking lot.
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